Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Castle 6x08: A Murder is Forever

What I Liked
-They brought back tech officer whatshername. She's on the show a lot, but she's still not a very good character. It's not entirely her fault, though, the dialogue she gets isn't so great.
-Esposito considers taking the diamond and making a run for it. That's what I'd do.
-Castle makes a pun that would've made even David Caruso groan. They can't all be winners.

What I Hated
-The dudes who try to steal the diamond from Ryan and Esposito are wearing clown masks. That's so 2008.
-The cleaner has a magic shredder and a magic computer. It's really hard to permanently delete files quickly, and it's impossible to just shred something so it can't be reassembled... at least not with any technology you could fit in a portable device.

Final Thoughts
A diamond heist isn't this show's typical fare. Sure there was a murder, but they spent the bulk of the episode dealing with a big, shiny rock. Although it was somewhat novel, it ultimately didn't work for me, simply because most of the episode just didn't make any damn sense. You can't unload machine guns at two cops in the middle of New York and get away with it anymore. Bloomberg outlawed that.

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