A woman is dead... and smoking. |
Her step-brother is angry because he warned her that being a parole officer would get her into trouble. |
The suspect is the guy who played Morgan on Chuck. |
He has a PKE meter for some reason. |
Castle loves the case because the guy says he's from the future. |
He got sent back to stop a tragedy that would kill billions. |
The dead woman's watch was stopped exactly when the future guy said it would. |
A local bartender saw the dead woman getting frisky with a hooker. |
The hooker doesn't know what happened. She was just supposed to steal the woman's keys and give them to a scary guy. |
Meanwhile, future man has disappeared. |
And scary guy has murdered Tim Russ, who turns out to be a famous physicist. His wife says the guy kept asking him where "the child" was. |
Scary guy sure is scary. |
Beckett and Castle track him down, but he's big and scary and nearly kills Castle before future guy shows up and scares him off. |
Turns out he wasn't looking for "the child" but rather for "Deschile" |
Who is a physics genius who helped foil a bombing that got scary guy locked up for five years. |
Beckett interrogates him, but he refuses to say anything. |
Future guy says he has to go back to the future, then disappears. |
Beckett spills coffee on a letter that Deschile wrote to Tim Russ and makes it look exactly like the copy that the scary dude had. |
At the Castle compound, Pi still isn't dead. |
Castle wants him out, but Alexis gives him the eyes. |
Then she decides to get an apartment with a guy she's known for three months. |
What I Liked
-Castle gets giddy when the guy says he's from the future. Wacky cases are the best cases.
-The timeline diagram Castle draws was very BttF-esque. They should've gotten Christopher Lloyd to guest star. Or at the very least had the killer drive a Delorean.
What I Hated
-It's October 7th-ish on the show and yet Alexis hasn't gone back to school. Do New York universities work on some strange, alternate time schedule? Was the man from the future right about the past being changed?
-The dead guy's wife doesn't seem terribly broken up about her husband's death. I know people deal with death in different ways, but her husband was murdered right in front of her and she barely seemed to care.
Final Thoughts
Did Sully get fired because Beckett came back? I was just starting to not want him to die horribly.
Everything that Alexis has done in relation to Pi has been completely out of character for her. He must have magic mind control powers or something. At least he's gone now, and we won't have to see him in every episode. Although, one does wonder exactly where you can get an apartment in New York that you can pay for on a part-time work-study salary.
One also wonders how anyone in the entire Castle universe would be able to deny the existence of time travel after Beckett spilled coffee on the letter and made it look exactly like the copy the scary dude had. There's really no way around it. In the world of Castle, time travel is real.
The whole episode was just dumb. I expect better from this show.
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