These have been taking me too long to do, so I'm going to cut down on the length of the recaps.
Dead former child star on a crane. |
Pi hasn't gone back to his home planet yet. |
Castle wants to help with the case, but the guys are hesitant. |
The Cap'n wants to kick him out of the station, but she's not in charge anymore. |
Hey kids, it's Antonio Sabato Jr. |
2 Cool for School reunion special with Russian financing. |
Secret weapons shipments. |
Secret CIA job. Investigation's over, guys. |
Beckett doesn't let the CIA boss her around. |
Sexy suspect, Svetlana. She's the dead guy's secret girlfriend. |
Why'd you do it, Antonio? |
CIA blackmail. |
Not on my watch. |
I got an apartment in DC so we can be together. |
What I Liked
-Castle watches Esposito reject his call on live TV. Hee-hee.
-The guys force Castle to admit that it really is quite a coincidence that Beckett took over their case on the same day he showed up. How conveeeeeeeeeeeeeeenient.
-Perlmutter analyzed poop from the victim's shoe and found that it came from a chicken. That's going above and beyond. I like Perlmutter, he's one of the few people who can really put Castle in his place. Maybe they need to find room for both him and Lanie on the show.
-When I saw James Patrick Stuart running around at the beginning of the episode, I figured he was the murderer because he was someone I recognized who wasn't in the episode again after the first 30 seconds. It was a pleasant surprise to find out that he was a CIA guy instead. Unfortunately, these things usually go the other way, and it can be terribly irksome.
What I Hated
-TV's Lisa Edelstein plays the '
not anymore, you're not' card and people are upset. I hate that. In reality, people are really pleased when things aren't their problem anymore.
-Det. Grant Sullivan.
Why are the new characters all lame caricatures? |
-The show offers up multiple red herrings as the guys go to arrest Antonio Sabato Jr. But everyone already knew he was the one they were there for.
-Antonio Sabato Jr's acting in the interrogation scene. With a better actor, that could've been some powerful stuff, but his performance was just really lousy.
One can see why his character wasn't booking many gigs. |
Final Thoughts
Seems like Seamus Dever got a little sick during production.
That's three straight episodes without Lanie. Perhaps, now that they seem like they'll be back in New York full time again, she'll be back on the show.
It really didn't take them very long to get Beckett back to New York and to get her out of whatever job it is she had. Not that I really expected it to. It would've been one thing if she'd been working out of an office somewhere in the city, but they moved her to an entirely different area, and that just wasn't going to work if they wanted her as a regular character on the show. I suppose they could've done a split thing where she would be working on one case in DC while the guys worked on another one in New York, with Castle alternating where he worked from week to week, but that might've gotten old quickly. Or, it could've been awesome. Honestly, I'm not sure why they didn't at least try that out for six episodes before they had her get fired for following her conscience.
Why did Castle give up his ability to work alongside the NYPD just because Beckett went to DC. That wasn't Beckett-specific, it came directly from the Mayor. In fact, it would've been better for him to work their without her, since there would be no one around for him to fraternize with. None of those
other outside consultant guys have to work with a specific partner. They just do, on account of they always get paired up with hot ladies. Which, is a pretty nice perk.
Anyway, I really enjoyed the parts of this episode that didn't feature Sully or Pi. Those two should really have their own spinoff where they ride around in a van, solving mysteries. I wouldn't watch it, but it would at least get them off the show.
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