Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Castle 6x09: Disciple

What I Liked
-Castle doesn't think romantic and Hobbity need to be mutually exclusive. I'm not sure many women would agree.
-Tech lady's still on the show. Maybe one day she'll get herself into the opening credits. And maybe one day I'll learn her name.
-Hey, it's Rack Bauer. Nice to see that she's getting some work.
-Ryan gets Esposito to share his feelings. It can't be all 'Brah' all the time.

What I Hated
-Lanie and Esposito are still banging on the sly. Exactly how long can two people be friends with benefits without finding other people to legitimately date?

Final Thoughts
So, 3XK may still be alive and may have multiple people working for/with him. It's a terrible shame that Castle and Beckett didn't shoot him in the face when they had a chance. Always shoot the super-genius bad guy in the face, kids. It's the only way to be sure.

The thing where there's a thriving business somewhere one day and there's nothing there the next day has been done to death. As has the thing where they have the killer in custody, then let him/her go instead of tossing him/her into a cell for 24h like they do with every random street punk they pick up.

Considering that there's at least one deranged maniac out there with a grudge against Castle and Beckett, you'd think that they'd consider retirement. How many Nikki Heat books does he really need to write?

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